Monday 3 June 2024

Le train rouleur (photos from Museo Militar de Cartagena added 03/06/24)

Le train rouleur

I bought and built an Early War Miniatures P17 half-track, with the kit was the parts for one of these train rouleurs. Now I understood what it was but wanted to know a little more and this is what I have gleaned off the hive mind -

The old mle1897 had a mostly wooden carriage and wooden spoke wheels, it was designed to be pulled by horses to a maximum speed of 8km/hr.

With the improvements in motorisation, it was found the carriage/wheels couldn`t cope, so Citroen designed this cradle (rouleur) with rubber tires and pneumatic suspension onto which the old gun could be mounted and allowed towing speeds of up to 20km/hr!

My model
 I didn`t have a spoked wheeled gun handy

Photos kindly supplied by the hive-mind

I took these photos od a Schneider 155mm on a variation of the train rouleur at the Museo Militar de Cartagena in May 2024


  1. A nice build of an unusual subject

    Regards, Chris.

  2. Thank you

    It came with the kit, so I was forced to do some research :)

  3. A real piece of early modern military history, as those in possession of horse pulled guns improvised as motor traction became available. While 1897, 75mm gun would need setting on ground to be fired, it seems unclear how they would lift (or drop) the Schneider 155mm to the ground!?
    Great piece that would have made a lovely small article in the old Journal but also makes a good one here! Carl

    1. Cheers Carl - the trip to Cartagena has added photos and info which updates my initial pieces.
