Tuesday 4 April 2023



I continue to plod along without any particular rush.

As I said at the start of the year I am looking to expand my Mexican Revolution games north of the border, there are a couple of interesting historical scenarios and the posibilities of what-if games are endless. So I need to get some Norte Americano civilians - non-combatants are not easy to locate though I do have some plastics waiting in the wings. 

But cowboys/gunslingers are available from various sources, these are a selection from Raventhorpe including a few of Tony`s Boers for variety - 14 in all. I`ve tried to vary the colours in an attempt to reduce the cloned look.

And finally the Man with no Name!


  1. Neat idea.Villas raid on Columbus New Mexico is a possibility? george patton was there as a Lt....maybe have a villa/Patton showdown!

    1. There were other incidents aside from Columbus, plus the Battle of Nogales. I`ve few ideas but need to paint the figures first, Alan Hamilton sold me a bunch of plastics, which had some civilians and woman among them, should be enough to dress the table. These guys can of course join Villa`s rebels against Huerta or Carranza as dress code wasn`t very formal and Mexicans living in the north wore American made clothes particularly those from the towns and cities.

  2. Richard, I look forward to learning more (and hearing more) of these exploits in USA. Let me know if you need any figures sending. Mind you my brother in Tarragona had to pay best part of 8 Euros to get a package from Spanish Post Service that I had sent him (for his birthday) that the Spanish 'rules' suggested shouldn't attract any charge at all, so its become quite expensive to send gifts from UK to Spain for recipients and senders, sadly. Carl

    1. I have a couple of scenarios written, plus a few more ideas bubbling :) Yes postage cost post Brexit have become an issue, I usually get stuff sent to one of the boys and either I pick it up from them when I`m back in the UK or they bring it out when they come here.
