Sunday 7 April 2024

Militia Armoured Truck No2

Militia Armoured Truck No2 

Second one off the production line, again the idea is to represent a vehicle scratch built and adapted in a local workshop, not constructed to a standard plan. You will note the frontal armour on this one is a more complicated design.To help support the heavy frontal armour they have run two steel cables secured to the cab. I decided the flat open top would make a good fighting compartment, so added the sandbags & access ladder 

This one based on a Oxford Diecast van (a couple of Euro at a flea market). 

Once again the metal armour is made from beer can aluminium, the mattresses - plasterscene, the sandbags and fence/ladder came out of the bits box, the cable is fuse wire and the rope once again just cotton thread.

WIP shots

Note the layout of the mattresses changed prior to undercoating

Completed model

A few action shots with militia


  1. Nice. Luckily you didn’t put a mattress on the roof - otherwise it might have been too tempting to snooze off in the sunshine. Provided no-one’s shooting at you, of course 🤣😂

    1. Didn`t you know in Spain there is always time for a siesta :)

  2. Another lovely conversion Richard. Well done. CarlL

    1. Cheers Carl, No3 is nearly completed too :)
