Thursday, 17 October 2013


Another platoon vehicle for 5 Kompanie II/69 Panzer grenadiers

Sdkfz 251/1C Halftrack by Minimi, mixed stowage, crew mostly Combat Miniatures tank riders; the MG gunner was a CP Models Pole, to whom I gave a head-swop. As with all 69PG 251 halftracks, no front shield.

I`m quite pleased with the smock camouflage on these and the "combat" poses.


  1. Good on You Richard - Your making fantastic progress with your Armoured Vehicles. KEV

  2. Thanks Kev, I`ve been looking for a way to use these figures for ages.

    You know they say, practice makes perfect; well in about 30yrs I may even get one right............

    Of course I can hardly see to paint now :-)
