Wednesday 29 November 2017

Finished WIP

Maybe the final few bits for 2017? 

Sherman Firefly


DUKW without load

DUKW with tilt

Both together

Saturday 25 November 2017

Work in progress


Today`s work, I don`t usually post WIP, but I`m pretty happy with how these turned out :)

2 ancient Airfix soft-plastic DUKWs, altered to be waterline models - I have the long term plan of re-running Saafi (Operation Torch 1942) on our new larger table in Spain.
The tilt on this one came out of the spares box

Matchbox Sherman Firefly (must be 35yrs old at least), new barrel (thanks Alan Hamilton), plus re-built wheel units (some using Panzer III wheels), loads of stowage too - I now own three (3) NWE British tanks :)

Another Matchbox Firefly hull, made to look more like a standard 75mm armed M4 using a S&S resin turret :)

Friday 24 November 2017

German kit

German transport and armour

Whilst sorting out drawers and doing the various Yank bits, i discovered some German stuff long forgotten.

Two Opel Blitz trucks - Esci w/tilt & Airfix w/load

Panzer III ausf J (I think?) 
Old Fujimi kit, this will join my ad-hoc late war Panzer unit

Aufklärungspanzer 38(t) (S&S Models) with a Lammercraft commander 
Again this with join my ad-hoc panzer unit

Both panzers together

Saturday 18 November 2017

Yet even more Yanks

Various American foot

A mix of Infantry and gunners, the last for now as this clears the decks (as far as Yanks are concerned)

Raventhorpe water-cooled .30cal MMG with a Revell plastic loader

Plastic 60mm mortar (Hasawaga I think?) with a scratch crew - Matchbox and Esci

6 x Kelly`s Heroes gunners

Kelly`s officer and a Britannia RTO

Old Skytrex FOO

4 x Platoon20 riflemen + an unknown US Marine BAR 

Friday 10 November 2017

Even more Yanks

More Yank transport

More finished bits

Two old Matchbox Jeeps (from the 17pdr set) with 1/2 ton trailers
These will add to company or battalion HQs or act as re-supply markers
One of the trailers is a re-painted di-cast toy by Bluebox (with new wheels), the other is a Hasawaga plastic kit with added load.

Yet another Matchbox M16 chassis altered to be a troop carrier with pole mounted .50cal, loads of stowage and a crew (in this case a mix of various plastics)

An old Skytrex 57mm AT gun
Don`t actually think I need another gun, but it was sitting there, so i re-painted it

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Yank transport

More Yank Transport

Another weeks work.

Three Matchbox M16 chassis, repaired and altered -

No1 added pulpit and .50cal AAMG & canopy built from tissue paper over wire hoops

No2 gun tow
Canopy from a Matchbox Krupp Protze plus modified Airfix 6pdr altered to look like a US 57mm

No3 troop carrier
Pole-mounted .50cal, loads of stowage and a mixed crew

Recce Jeep
Skytrex Jeep with added stowage and a Britannia crew