Monday 29 August 2016

Battlefield Clutter

Battlefield Clutter

More bits finished - figures and armoured car for scale

Gantry crane by najewitz-modellbau I based it and added some crates and pipes from S&S Models

Oil/Fuel tank from Anyscale Models, again based together with S&S crates

Large S&S crates

Piles of fuel drums by Anyscale Models

Everything together

Saturday 27 August 2016



Now I`ll admit mostly in our games boats are just terrain, I don`t really do naval.
We have done a couple of naval landing games and also some based around a coastal town, so docks and of course boats are part of the background and scenery.

As I`m pottering about at the moment with most of my WIP buried in storage whilst we are decorating. I came across a few pieces of a nautical nature and have done them together in a batch.

All figures just to show scale

Dump Barge

Resin piece by Anyscale Models, 
I build a crude sabot load our of plastic off cuts, so it can be loaded or unloaded. 


Life boat 
Anyscale Models
I thought this would provide a bit of cover on a dock or beach

Small unpowered Caique
Sgt`s Mess

Larger unpowered Dhow
Sgt`s Mess

Both boats together (to show size)

Thursday 25 August 2016


About a weeks work

With most of my gear now living in Spain I am left with WIP and stuff bought for "that rainy day" :-)

I have finally based up that Hovels large factory I painted a few weeks back, I`ve used some rubble from Queens Hussar (now available from Lancer Miniatures I think?) and a piece from a Matchbox diorama base plus filler. You can see from the photos how it will fit into the road/tramway piece I did last week. Spanish Mech. Infantry and S&S Models BMR600 just for scale.

Fuel dump from Anyscale Models
Resin piece mounted on an old CD

 Coal bunkers by Anyscale Models

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Fame at last?

Fame at Last?

The new Miniature Wargames dropped through my door yesterday, so as you do I flicked through to see if there was anything that struck a cord; sometimes there isn`t anything specific in an issue and whilst i usually read it all anyway, the mag sits on the shelf for while until I`m board :)

Henry had quite a bit to say in this issue what with his change of  personal focus within the magazine from designer/editor to just editor. But also the fact that his partner in crime Neil Shuck has moved on to pastures new.

I read the editorial then moved onto "World Wide Wargaming" to my surprise this blog gets a mention!! and I quote - 

"We open this month by highlighting the online activity of Richard Baber, well known for his work with the Society of twentieth century Wargamers, a regular reviewer in these very pages and sometime contributor. He has, in fact, been responsible for opening my eyes to a number of less well-known conflicts in North Africa, especially the Rif War. The Blog is full of charm, enthusiasm and clearly a deep knowledge and love of the areas in which he chooses to game"

Frankly I am stunning and humbled by this, I had no idea people actually read this (Pete, Neil, Will, etc accepted).
Put a big stupid smile on my face all evening :) 

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Railway embankment and track

Railway Embankment and Track

Something I`ve been planning for ages, mounting track on a board base to represent a railway embankment. This will represent a linear obstacle in our games.

What you see here is roughly 2 metres of track
The track is either normal model railways oo gauge metal track (the long lengths) or 190mm resin sections from Hobbyden, there is also an odd piece from the old Matchbox M16 kit diorama base.
All figures and vehicle just for scale 

Crossing point

Cratered section

Piece of Vac-U-Form road with tramlines based to the same height as the rail line - the plan being to make this part of an industrial area or station?

Saturday 13 August 2016

Mexican Revolution additions

Mexican Revolution 

I`m having a excellently productive week.

Armoured truck from Shellhole Scenics

Odd Mexican and US trooper (both EWM)

12 Yaqui Indians by Shellhole Scenics

7 Federales cavalry painted up as Colorados with standard (all Shellhole Scenics)