Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Groupe Blinde sud Tunisienne

Formed in Feb 1943 from armoured/mobile elements of the French 19th Corps. 
The unit took part in several actions - Gafsa (17 march), Tebessa, Le Kef,
Siliana, Pont-du-Fahs and Zaghouan and helped the 8th Army, coming from the south, to cut the Cape Bon peninsula.

The main elements of the Groupe blinde were -

3rd escadron du 5RCA (Chasseurs d`Afrique) with Valentine III tanks (maybe 20 tanks) [5RCA were given these by the British, rather than their old D1s]
1st escadron du 12RCA with 23 Somua S35s
Detachement du 4th escadron, 9RCA with 6 x GMC75 half-tracks [supplied by the Americans]
Light tank company (US) with 17 x M3 tanks [attached]

I`ve been slowly, building/painting units for a while now -
Recce (5RCA)

Alby Laffly 80AM, Empress motorcycle troops with various M/C combinations

Motorised infantry (46th Colonial regiment)

Latil and Laffly field cars (S&S and Skytrex) various figures and crew from - Blitz, Friend or Foe, EWM, Warmodelling, FAA and Tumbling Dice

SP `75s (9RCA)

Guns by S&S and Sgt`s Mess; crews from Blitz & FAA

Somua S35s (12RCA)

Pre-painted di-casts with an old Heller model (AB Figures commander)

US Light Tank Company

Matchbox kits with added parts, stowage and commanders

Valentine IIIs

Tanks by 20mmzone, the commanders are AB Figures & Skytrex