Ian Clunie Shell Hole Scenics and Paul Thompson Early War Miniatures have combined their considerable talents to create 20mm forces for one of my favourite periods - Mexican Revolution smile
Ian was kind enough to send me a couple of samples, these packs should all be ready by Bovington -
Federal inf regulars in visor cap 11 rifles & 1 officer
Federal Inf regulars in Sun Helmet 11 rifles & 1 officer
Federal inf irregulars 11 rifles & 1 officer
Federal regular Hotchkiss MMG with 3 crew X 2 in visor cap
Federal regular Hotchkiss MMG with 3 crew X 2 in sun helmet
The James Cockburn character from A FIST FULL of DYNAMITE
Ian also will have gun crews in both visor cap & sun helmet; Dismount cav figures with LMG but some of these still need other figures to finished to make up the packs.
The mounted cav & the first Indian packs will also be ready for Bovi. The Guns by mid to end of July & the Armoured truck should be out mid August.
There are also some resin cacti (also reviewed) They will be in packs of 12 bases for £9.00.
They along with first figures will be available at Bovi
Ian also tells me he is working on his first adobe house too!!
Anyway first the cacti
Federal regulars in sun helmet
Federal regulars in visor cap
Federal irregulars
Posed shot with the gateway I did earlier