Monday 17 April 2023

Tower Walk San Juan (updated 17/04)

Tower Walk San Juan

Costa Blanca is filled with history, it is one of the reasons I wanted to live out here (as well as the climate). When we visted San Juan we saw an old watch tower - very common along the coast, but this one had a map showing a walking/cycling route around all 19 towers around the town and local countryside.

Route map

In a fit of energetic insanity this morning we decided to go back to San Juan and walk the entire route! The walk was over 16km and whilst pretty flat did take us all over the place and down some very rough trails. It took us several hours to complete, so not for the faint hearted.

All the towers were originally built during the XVI & XVII centuries, most have had serious refurbishment/renovation during the C20th. Almost all of them are on private land, some part of peoples houses or businesses, the general construction is universal - basically once you`ve seen one you`ve seen them all, but Debbie and Alex were up for the challenge, so we did the lot (except No10, which was hidden and we couldn`t find it).

Torre 1

Torre 2

Torre 3 
This one part of a lovely looking restaurant

Torre 4

Torre 5

Torre 6

Torre 7

Torre 8
This one is part of the Church at Santa Faz

Torre 9

Torre 10 
Returned to Santa Faz yesterday as we went to the Sunday market, took the opportunity to search for the illusive Torre 10. Couldn`t find it or any plaque or sign, Alex was using his phone and got us within 40 meters but it was on the other side of high fence and hedge on private land. He did find this arial view, so that will have to do.

Torre 11

Torre 12
This one was right inside someones land and this is the only bit visible over a high wall

Torre 13

Torre 14

Torre 15

Torre 16

Torre 17
Part of a restaurant 

Torre 18

Torre 19


  1. EXCELLENT bit of historical research! WELL DONE. (I might add that I am mighty jealous of both your history tour and climate!) Best wishes Carl (in Yorkshire where sun has begun to shine on us)

    1. It has been very warm and dry this last six months, in fact we`ve only had about 3 days rain since November - not good for the farmers!! So different from last Easter when it rained pretty solid for the whole of April!!! The walk was great fun, Alex is good company and Debbie is so happy when her babies are out here with us. Alex`s 25th birthday today, but hes already back home as he had no more leave left :( but Chris is still here until Thursday.

  2. Enjoy! Our 'babies' are all 35+ and my Maggy still misses her 'babies'!! The wheel of life rolls on. Enjoy ! Carl

    1. I don`t miss them as such when their not here, but do enjoy their company when they are. Us men are a bit like that - less emotional and more in the moment. I can bump into a mate I haven`t seen for 10yrs and we immediately act as if we saw one another yesterday.
