Friday 18 October 2024

Goumier support 2

 More Goumier support

81mm mortar team & mule packed tube all by Shellhole Scenics

75mm pack howitzer with Goumier crew
The gun is Raventhorpe Ready to Roll - just excellent 😀

The crew is a huge mix, two are plastic from the Strelets Goumier set, the third man is a Force20 machine gunner; the gun commander is a modified Blitz French officer (from their Goumier command pack) with a Raventhorpe Kepi head 

Whilst reading Bimberg`s book, he regularly mentions Goumier accompanied by goats whilst on the march. Then when combing through my photos I came across this sketch.

So I was forced to create a homage

The goum is Shellhole, his goat Retrokit


  1. How lovely. You’ve done a cracking job 👏👏
    I trust your rules can reflect that no-one should be shooting at the goat 😉

    1. The guy with the goat will become part of the Tabor (battalion) HQ unit - I normally attach some figures as runners to such HQs. I haven`t really planned how big my units of Goumier is going to be, I I`m not thinking about more than a single Tabor. Most of the figures can do double (or even triple duty) - Moroccan Berbers vs French and Spanish in the 1920s, Regulares in my SCW set-up; goumier or 7th Moroccan Division in Tunisia OR Goumier in Sicily, Italy and NWE depending on where I need them and how they are equipped.
