Arab buildings
Various compounds and buildings build prior to April 2012
Building 1
2 Byzantium buildings with S&S walls
Building 2
Minimi building (Large shop I think), S&S walls and gates, I built the lean-to stable out of various bits of stick and some veneer I found in the street
Minimi building (Large shop I think), S&S walls and gates, I built the lean-to stable out of various bits of stick and some veneer I found in the street
Building 3
Byzantium building (domed roof reversed so to appear flat) with external steps (also Byzantium) and S&S walls
Byzantium building (domed roof reversed so to appear flat) with external steps (also Byzantium) and S&S walls
Pack of hasty barricades (S&S)
Adobe cottage (The Square) very nice
Lancer Miniatures - Eastern train station (probably the most expensive single piece of terrain I`ve ever bought)

Painted up fairly neutral, I`ve replaced the roof on the ticket office with a spare flat one (generously given to me by Rob Rowell of Byzantium)
Byzantium small adobe with garden base (modified)
Byzantium country Mosque
Very nice- useful for many periods.
I was going through a construction phase, most of these have now featured in our games in Spain