Advance to the Zaghouan (May 1943)
Elements of Koeltz`s command are advancing
through the valleys against sometimes stiff German resistance, at the same time groups of
wild Goumier are working the way across the hills and mountains bypassing
roadblocks and causing chaos in the enemies rear.
Recce platoon 5RCA (Regiment Chasseurs
d`Afrique) – 2 x Jeeps & crews
7th escadron, 12 RCA (Regiment
Chasseurs d`Afrique) – 3 x Somua S-35
2 companies from 7RTA (Regiment Tirailleurs
3rd Groupe de Goumier, 52nd
German defenders
HQ – 2 officers, NCO, 2 runners,
4 mixed infantry platoons (9 figures each,
inc LMG)
50mm Pak38
Beute GMC SP 75mm (3 rds of AP, 2 rds of
By May 12th not far from the ruins of the ancient Roman aqueduct at Zaghouan, the last German units surrendered to General Mathernet, the campaign in Tunisia was over.
My table
The initial dispositions saw one German platoon defending the farm along with the MMG team and the second covering the left flank. The mortar team and 50mm Pak38 were placed to support the defence of the farm. The third platoon covered the second on the left and also formed a fall-back for the 1st at the farm. The last platoon was set in reserve at the bridge and rear farm along with the German HQ. The GMC 75 was concealed covering the road near the back farm.
The French elected to send one Algerian company up each side of the valley and their tanks straight up the track. The `75 battery was set up to support the advance, initially targeting the first farm.
On the right flank the 2nd Algerian company took a couple of casualties from dug-in Germans this round also.
Turn 5 the lead Somua fired on the first emplacement, killing one man forcing the rest to abandon their exposed position. But the Beute GMC 75 way back across the stream fired a desperate long range shot scored a magnificent 11 followed by a 10 for effect claiming the French tank!!
The 2nd Algerian company began clearing the Germans out of their emplacements using a combination of LMG/VB grenades before close assaults
On the left the 1st Algerian company was now engaged with emplacements flanking the farm, combined casualties from small arms and the German mortar meant the one platoon needed a morale check next turn.
Turn 6 No2 Somua moves off the track to assist the 2nd Algerian company (also moves itself out of sight from the gun that knocked out its mate). The Algerians don`t really need any help as they clear what was left of the German platoon in front of them and prepare to move forward next turn anyway.
On the left, the Algerian platoon at the farm fails its morale check and goes to ground, luckily the company CO is close at hand and moves to sort them out. The other two platoons continue their advance up the left valley side.
Turn 7 on the right the 2nd Algerian company now following a Somua advance up the valley. On the left the 1st Algerian CO rallies the pinned platoon, whilst the rest of the company advances past the farm, up a valley side; the last Somua moves off the track towards the farm. The Germans can do little except move men around in the hope of stalling the French advance.
Turn 8 the 2nd Algerian company is hit hard by a German platoon which has moved forward and its lead platoon takes enough casualties for a morale check!
Above the farm on the right a German LMG nest which has been dominating the farm approach finds itself flanked and overwhelmed by a platoon of Algerians, the close assault leads them to surrender!
Seeing this the German mortar team dismantle their tube and prepare to withdraw.
Turn 9 Over on the right Algerian platoon fails its check and goes to ground, the other two platoons engage the Germans, the Somua moves forward to assist, the German NCO makes an heroic action roll and close assaults the tank with grenades!! He fails and dies “heroically” in the attempt!
On the left supported by the last Somua the Algerian CO leads his men into the farm, engaging the remaining German defenders.
Turn 10 On the right the 2nd Algerian company clear their hilltop
The surviving Germans in the farm surrender
The Goumier arrive on table
The farm is now in French hands, the `75 battery moves forward to set up there for the next stage of the advance.
The Goumier catch and slaughter
the German mortar team
At this point with the Germans having only one platoon left intact, the GMC 75 is out of ammo too having fired off its HE rounds ineffectively against the dispersed Goumier; so the German CO decides to live to fight another day and orders a withdrawal.
Nice scenario & game Richard. It’s always interesting to see the more unusual, non-mainstream troops on the tabletop/battlefield. 👏👏
Cheers Geoff, first run out for these for quite some time. I`m reading "Battles of the Peaks and Longstop Hill" at the moment so we might see my British with Churchill support Vs Germans eventually :)
DeleteWow! Something you do well, very well, Richard, and have not lost your touch in 2025: take a bit of real history and create a great game around it; and all set in a 'theatre of ops' and forces the rest of the wargaming world (in UK anyway!) hardly ever touches upon. Well done, Very enjoyable game. Inspiring me to imitate it when I next put on a game for others! Carl
ReplyDeleteVery kind mate, it was nice to get some toys onto a tabletop and roll some dice.
DeleteHello Richard
ReplyDeleteAs the other commentators have said, another excellent scenario and battle report that you do so well. Enjoyed reading it, thank you for the time you put into it!
Cheers Shaun, the responses to this AAR both here and on the couple of forums I post have been very positive and kind - nice to read :)
DeleteNice kit - very interesting force mix. What rules do you use?
ReplyDeleteThanks, we use a time-served version of Charles Grant`s old "Battle" rules which I first discovered in the 1970s. We`ve modified them a bit adding bits from more modern sets, but essentially they play as they were written. 10 figures represent a platoon.