Friday, 3 January 2025

Zona Hostil (film review)

Zona Hostil

English title: Rescue Under Fire

Christmas present off my Debbie

This is the 2017 debut feature by multi award winning writer Adolfo Martínez who has a number of movie credits, but this is his first time in charge; Filmed mostly in Almeria, Spain.

Based on a true story set in Afghanistan in 2012, the movie opens with a MEDIVAC call to an Afghan village where a mother and two young children have been injured in an explosion. Despite her desperate efforts Medical Captain Varela played by the excellent Ariadna Gil (Pan`s Labyrinth) cannot save the worst injured child! This event piled on other tramatic incidents, causes Varela to reevaluate her carreer and she tells her direct superior Capt. Torres of her decision to leave the army after this tour. Torres advises her to think about it and then introduces her to a new nurse joining the unit - Rachel Sanchez.

Captain Varela 

Meanwhile a convoy led by an interesting armoured engineer vehicle with ECM system moves slowly down a rough track. The convoy is a US supply unit, but the escort are from the Spanish Foreign Legion (La Legion). Suddenly one of the US Hummers is hit by an IED and the two soldiers injured, rather than risk the entire column, the Spanish commander decides to leave a unit of 25 men under the inexperienced Lieutenant Conte to secure the ambush site and wait for medivac. Conte is the son of the highly regarded General and feels the pressure of his father`s legacy and reputation.
Lieutenant Conte

The Super Puma helo arrives, but the ground proves too soft and the helicopter tips over, luckily everyone aboard is OK and the medical team can treat the American wounded, but now of course they have no helo!  

Back at HQ the Spanish command want to blow-up and destroy the downed copter and evacuate everyone via the Legion transport, but Chinook pilot and FAMET (Fuerzas Aeromóviles del Ejército de Tierra) Comandante Ledesma comes up with a alternative plan. Use his Chinook to lift and rescue to downed Super Puma, the plan sounds crazy, but Ledesma convinces the senior officers.

Back at the crash site, Conte gets the good news he and his men have to stay over night (deep in Taliban territory). He organises his command, setting thier VAMTAC tactical vehicles out in a perimeter (they are equipped with ring mounted MG3); he then positions his legionnaires around the rest of the perimeter with a sniper team on the high ground. We see Conte at odds with his veteran Sergeant as to his dispositions, but the young officer stands his ground, even when faced with obvious sarcasm off the older man. When the sniper team asks for someone to cover their exposed flank, Conte sends the Puma`s door gunner - a female soldier Cabo Sobrino much to the amusement of the Legionnaires!

Cabo Sobrino

During the night the Taliban make a probing attack, the Legionnaires hold their ground but take a couple of casualties, causing more work for Capt. Varela and her medical team! Up on the hill the sniper team are pinned down by several Taliban until Sobrino lets rip with her MG3 and saves the day! The sniper team no2 has been hit (just a flesh wound in the backside) but upon getting him back to the medics, the sniper is quick to tell everyone how Sobrino saved their butts and the other legionnaires offer her a transfer to their unit, all thoughts of sexism and interservice rivelry forgotten.

The next morning two Chinooks set off on their rescue/recovery mission, one carries extra ammunition and fuel for the legionnaires, the other stripped down for its heavy lift mission.

On arriving they find the position under heavy attack but over a hundred insurgents, the veteran sergeant suggests to Conte his men need some encouragement to bolster their morale, Conte makes an empassioned speech reciting the creed of La Legion. Luckily a couple of Tiger attack helos have been diverted to give a bit of top cover and the legionnaires hold thier perimeter whilst the Chinook with Ledesma at the controls struggles to hook-up and lift the heavy medical bird; RPGs and ground fire make the whole process more difficult as the Taliban make a last ditch assault on the stretched Spanish perimeter. An RPG team on a motorbike breaks through, but Conte intercepts them alone fighting desperately hand-to-hand to prevent them firing on the Chinook! Just as the Taliban gunner was targeting the Chinook, Varela kills him with her pistol saving the day!

The uniforms, equipment and gear is excellent, the action well directed and well paced, the cast good and their performance very solid. The film was nominated for two Goya Awards (the spanish BAFTA) and was a box office hit in Spain. The English DVD release "Rescue Under Fire" is in Spanish but has subtitles.

The fact that the movie is based on a real incident in August 2012 north of Bala Murghab is pretty cool and interesting. During the credits the director and producers give thanks for all the assistance given by the Spanish armed forces durig the making of the film and remember the one hundred Spaniards who gave their lives as part of the international efforts in Afghanistan 😔


  1. Thanks for info, I have to see this.

    1. Even my wife got really into it, the director really ramps up the tension.

  2. I suspect the film hasn’t had much visibility in the UK as we are somewhat lazy in respect of foreign languages. That’s a shame, as the film certainly sounds “worth a watch” 😉

    1. I caught it first our here on normal TV - in Spanish with Spanish subtitles on Freeview (we don`t bother with streaming services). I bought it on the English version DVD just so I can watch it whenever I want, I have maybe 2 dozen foreign war movies - Korean, French, Spanish, Japanese, Polish - all very different.

  3. Another interesting film review. Gracias. Carl

    1. I first caught it late night on Spanish freeview TV and enjoyed it, I took the opportunity of Debbie needing to buy me something for Christmas to get myself the DVD copy.
