Friday 8 March 2024

28mm Rif War

28mm Rif War 

My obsession continues, fed by more wonderful sculpts from Baraka Miniatures

Once again I apologise that my painting just can`t do these figures the justice they deserve.

First up we have a group of indigenous Regulares

This group represent Captain Cebollino Von Lindeman who earned the Laureate Cross of San Fernando for his actions during a re-supply mission to the Spanish base at Igueriben in July 1921 and some of his command. 

The figures are superb, the uniforms and equipment just can`t be faulted by me, they match every reference I have - Salas, Bueno, etc. 

The Captain is posed standing tall, firing his Campo-Giro pistol, a wonderful commanding figure. The other two figures are dressed as Regulares troopers one posed semi-prone firing over sandbags as if defending the position from the Riffi attackers; the last figure is posed running carrying multiple water-bottles for his desperate comrades.


  1. Great stuff ๐Ÿ‘ That last one has the look of Yul Brynner ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. Very nice. I’m looking forward to the forthcoming Osprey “Elite” book “The Rif War 1921-26 due at the end of October this year. So many periods, so many lovely figures, not enough hours in the day…

    1. Frankly an Osprey on the subject just makes me depressed - they turned down my book proposal yrs ago :( and in any case I find recent Ospreys very disappointing, in the case of the the Brazilians in WW2 (another book proposal of mine they turned down) I had read more about them than the author according to his own bibilography :)
